Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pictures anyone?

Ok. So here's two months in a nutshell-excluding language camp, I'll put some of those up later. And you should know that just in case you want to see a picture larger, I think you can just click on it... I tried that with my math test picture and it got HUGE. Seriously Harry Potter was suddenly life size. Ok so it didn't get that big but still...

Smoking "room" ...I still don't really know what to say about it.

The Palace. And Astrid :)

K same thing but with me in the picture...


Fortress thingy... I have yet to actually explore that....

You can see what I'm eating in the next Picture

Ok so I wasn't eating that exactly, but I was eating the... well, edible part of that...

Hehehehe I got to drive a 100 year old boat :D

So this house is on a little island. By itself. Not gonna lie that would kind of suck... You would have to row yourself to shore everyday... what if you have a fever and are too weak but you need to get medicine???

This is just a random picture of Norway from the boat trip I went on (that's when I ate the shrimp)

I have no idea what building this is... I just thought it looked cool.

The building with the ramp looking thing in front is the Opera. That place is seriously awesome.

Hahahahahaaaaaaaa :D

Stavern Pictures:
...a street. I don't know what else to say...

VIKINGS!!!! QUICK, QUICK EVERYONE RUN!!!!!! (In case you're wondering, we did escape...but just barely).

Stavern = Beautiful
best portrayal of the Reign of Terror EVER. My history teacher is a genious.

This is what we eat. Bread with brown cheese, cream cheese, blood, know, the basics :) ...I'm joking by the way.

This is my school. Note the windows. It has windows!!! And we even get to open them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halleluja!

This is from the Opera. It's pretty awesome. I like the guy with his hand raised although I don't know if he's saying "f*** you, sun" or "I salute you, sun" ...and now that I look at it more it looks like he's doing that hitler thing... awkward silence... moving on.

Obama's face is on bags at the Nobel Peace building... I kind of found that hilarious. Our President is a celebrity (and I will be going to see him when he comes to Oslo)

So there's the outside of the building....

Taco Pizza = Best Pizza EVER!

So this is what I see from my bus stop.... I know you all wanted to know.
I forgot to mention. That time I got lost in Oslo, I managed to find the American Embassy. The place is seriously scary. It's very black. And it has bars all around it. I wanted to go ask them for directions but I was too scared!!!! :(
p.s. I will put pictures of my friends up later...after I've taken some pictures of my friends (and yes, I do have friends, I'm not making people up when I talk to you guys)


  1. Great pictures! Glad you have windows that open at school. Rocko says hi, he spent the night out with his friends.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the Aleksander Rybak picture. That is just lovely :D

  4. Hi Kirsten,
    Did you have some friends who wanted something signed by Robin?
    Let me know! Thanks.
    Aunt Lisa


    just do me.
