Monday, September 14, 2009

sticky tape

I went running the other day. One of those weird car things that paints the white dashed lines on the ground went past me painting white lines (obviously). I thought it would be cool to step in the white stuff and leave my footprint on the pavement...proof that Kirsten Valaas was in Norway and all. Did you know that stuff is sticky? I left my foot on it for a while, hopping that I would have maximum amount of paint on my shoes. Definitely could not pick my foot up when I tried. That stuff is like human sticky tape. Finally I managed to lift my foot up...only half of the white line peeled up with it. Yay me! Needless to say I avoided all other white lines on the rest of my run.

Sooo classes. Still don't understand much. Like in math for example. Supposedly a universal language. Well we had a test last week. The teacher wrote like 2 lines and a couple numbers on the board, rambled on for about five minutes in norwegan about what the task was and then everyone went to work. Kind of didn't understand the instructions. So....this was my answer:

Basically it says...

Given: heart=star+clover, and clover=rainbow(lightning cloud)

When: candle is cherry

Find: the integral of bomb to goldfish of harry potter(pinetree squared + cat)+2pie

Therefore: watermelon slice times the integral of cross + (norwegian flag + pineapple+ Leprechaun with pot of gold) - (triforce to the epona power + eiffel tower + viking)cubed

Final Answer: Gandalf the Grey w/ black hair

Update on strange things I've seen, heard, or done here... I've been asked some pretty strange questions in my stay here, but I think quite easily my favorite one has been "Do they have trees in America?" Hahahahaaaaa... My answer? "No. ...And we eat cars." (I want people to know that the person who asked this is the most awesome person in the world :) hun er superkul!) Also the other night My host dad made blood pudding. I think it took me about half an hour to get the courage to eat it. By the time I did, Leif and Anne-Beth had both finished.

I also recently was at språkkurs (I think that's how you spell it) until wednesday and I was able to meet a bunch of the other students. However as I am currently in class and I really need to get this health care essay done asap, I'll write about that at a later time.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Politics, Stavern, and the school library

So know how WHS has a library where you can check out movies...but the only movies they have are like movie versions of famous books or historically important films? Right now I'm in the library of my new school looking at their movie selection which consists of Superbad, The Dark Knight, Casino Royale, Everything is Illuminated, The Ring, The Bourne Identity, and The Shinning...among others. And these are all free to borrow. AWESOME.

Apart from that I spent the weekend in Stavern. Can anyone say 'most beautiful place EVER'??? Leif took me to a park that I can't remember the name of.... But it had the most beautiful view of the ocean EVER and there were Viking graves. I got to stand on one :) I probably could have stayed there forever if we hadn't been having steak that night. ...ah steak.

Currently in Norway there is some sort of parliament election. Here in Norway politics are done quite differently. They have over ten major parties, for example. TEN!!! We only have two. So yeah. Election. Last week the school had one representative from each school come in to talk to us all at once and have a 'little' debate. It would have been really interesting if I could understand what the hell they were saying. Unfortunately, all I could understand was 'America', 'Afghanistan', and 'Taliban'. And occasionally someone would mention Obama. Today the school is holding what I think might be a mock election...maybe...not entirely sure. Maybe they are actually voting, I don't know.

And while we're on the topic of school...I get to write an essay on the American healthcare system and Obama's reform plan. This is for my Norwegian class and yes, it is in context...apparently. I also get to write an essay on the history of my family in Norway for, well, history class obviously. Both of these topics I actually find quite interesting...I'm just not looking forward to translating them to english.

In regards to the last post about the tarzan kid, I was in math yesterday, not sitting near the window this time, but I did hear a little kid scream or something...maybe they're going to recreate Lord of the Flies...sick. But in reality there probably is just a kindergarten near by...I swear the have them everywhere.

And now I have a question for all of you, what is the difference between a moose and an elk? The American ones I mean.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


First of all I would like to make this very, very clear. I will not be updating this often all the time. I just consider this very ehm...important. I was sitting in math class, bored out of my mind as usual so I thought 'why not stare out the window for a bit, that might entertain me.' As soon as I do this little kid comes running out of the bushes and trees next to the school. He looked around wildly before turning around and bolting back into the bushes.

...ummmmmm ok?

There are a million questions that could be asked in regards to this situation but I feel that the most important one is, 'why wasn't he dressed as Tarzan?'

Just so you know...

Yesterday, as you all know, was the last day of August. August is summer. Summer is hot. Therefore August should be hot. Apparently not here. Yesterday felt like a day in late November. I don't think I'm going to survive this winter. Just thought you should know.