Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pictures anyone?

Ok. So here's two months in a nutshell-excluding language camp, I'll put some of those up later. And you should know that just in case you want to see a picture larger, I think you can just click on it... I tried that with my math test picture and it got HUGE. Seriously Harry Potter was suddenly life size. Ok so it didn't get that big but still...

Smoking "room" ...I still don't really know what to say about it.

The Palace. And Astrid :)

K same thing but with me in the picture...


Fortress thingy... I have yet to actually explore that....

You can see what I'm eating in the next Picture

Ok so I wasn't eating that exactly, but I was eating the... well, edible part of that...

Hehehehe I got to drive a 100 year old boat :D

So this house is on a little island. By itself. Not gonna lie that would kind of suck... You would have to row yourself to shore everyday... what if you have a fever and are too weak but you need to get medicine???

This is just a random picture of Norway from the boat trip I went on (that's when I ate the shrimp)

I have no idea what building this is... I just thought it looked cool.

The building with the ramp looking thing in front is the Opera. That place is seriously awesome.

Hahahahahaaaaaaaa :D

Stavern Pictures:
...a street. I don't know what else to say...

VIKINGS!!!! QUICK, QUICK EVERYONE RUN!!!!!! (In case you're wondering, we did escape...but just barely).

Stavern = Beautiful
best portrayal of the Reign of Terror EVER. My history teacher is a genious.

This is what we eat. Bread with brown cheese, cream cheese, blood, know, the basics :) ...I'm joking by the way.

This is my school. Note the windows. It has windows!!! And we even get to open them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halleluja!

This is from the Opera. It's pretty awesome. I like the guy with his hand raised although I don't know if he's saying "f*** you, sun" or "I salute you, sun" ...and now that I look at it more it looks like he's doing that hitler thing... awkward silence... moving on.

Obama's face is on bags at the Nobel Peace building... I kind of found that hilarious. Our President is a celebrity (and I will be going to see him when he comes to Oslo)

So there's the outside of the building....

Taco Pizza = Best Pizza EVER!

So this is what I see from my bus stop.... I know you all wanted to know.
I forgot to mention. That time I got lost in Oslo, I managed to find the American Embassy. The place is seriously scary. It's very black. And it has bars all around it. I wanted to go ask them for directions but I was too scared!!!! :(
p.s. I will put pictures of my friends up later...after I've taken some pictures of my friends (and yes, I do have friends, I'm not making people up when I talk to you guys)

Monday, October 5, 2009


So...since I can't upload pictures of Norway for my American people, I decided to put up some of Wenatchee for my Norwegian people, just so they have an idea of where I'm from.
The red dot marks the area where Wenatchee is located (I think). Yes, in that brown, dry looking area.

Again, red dot is Wenatchee

Ok, the big bright, white thing with the red running track next to it is my former school, Wenatchee High School, the town on the far side of the river is East Wenatchee (Not as cool as Wenatchee) ...just kidding.




k...sorry about the last 3. I couldn't resist.

So...I got Lost.

I remember my first couple days of school here in Norway, I remember thinking that everyone at school reminded me of someone back home. Now however, I look at people and think “oh, they look familiar…they look like…” And then I can never finish the sentence. And I realized today that the reason I can no longer finish it is because I have become so accustomed to these people, even the ones I have never spoken with are so familiar to me now and it’s strange. You would think that after 18 years of seeing the same people every day, it would take longer to get used to a situation like this. Somehow, I can no longer imagine what my life was like before I knew these people. I guess what I’m getting at is I really love it here, the kids, the teachers, everyone I’ve met has been so wonderful to me, a stranger, a person that perhaps shouldn’t even matter to them. It’s amazing.

Ok, sorry, I’ll stop with the emotional rant... Moving on.

Since coming to Norway I have discovered something about myself that I never knew. I am really, truly proud to be an American. I love my country. I know it has its faults but I love it regardless. No, I’m not trying to say “America is so much better than Norway” I am simply saying that…well…I don’t really know. Perhaps I’ve just started to see the better side of America, perhaps I’ve stopped focusing on all the negative aspects. I don’t really know…

Ok. That was kind of emotional too. Sorry, we’ll try on more time.

So this past week has been “høstferien” or Autumn holiday. In student terms, basically just a week off. Except it seems that people here don’t stay in town or even in country. Oh no. They go to Sweden (which really isn’t a big deal to people here, I think they were kind of confused as to why I thought it was so exciting), or Italy, I even had a friend go to America (She brought me back strawberry pop tarts, Christine you’re the BEST EVER!!!!!!!!!). My current host family in fact also went somewhere, they headed off to Greece for the week leaving me in the care of AnneLouise Hoen, a woman from the Oslo Rotary club. Before you start pitying me for not being able to go to Greece, let me assure you that I had an awesome week! I went shopping and sight-seeing and all that jazz but the highlight of my week was on Tuesday. Basically in an effort to get from Majorstue to National Theater by foot, I made a very, very wrong turn. Or actually several wrong turns. Basically I ended up wandering the streets of Oslo by myself for nearly 5 hours. Well done me. I’m sure you will all be happy to know however that the trip was not a lost cause. I got a really, really cute hat :D It has a bow on the side.

Let’s see…Oh! Language camp. That was about…one week ago? Basically it was 6 days and an accumulated 15 hours of sleep. Awesome. I think about 2/3 of the kids there were from the U.S. or Canada and regardless, everyone spoke English. But basically we got served really awesome food. I at an oyster, ummm…and we all practically lived off the free coffee. Also salty watermelon is kind of icky.

Also, the word "Marklar". That word is the devil. Which reminds me, mom I need you to send me my katana :D

I joke.

...but not really.

My mom told me that I needed to put up pictures so I promise the next post will be more of a picture blog of various things I’ve seen or done…however once again I am at school and my pictures or not on this computer.